How to Use a Pressure Regulator in San Jose, CA
Have you noticed any issues with the water pressure in your home? If so, don’t panic—it might not be a problem with your plumbing features, but rather simply a need for a few quick adjustments to your water pressure regulator, if you have one.
Now, most homes do not have a pressure regulator installed. But if you do have one and you’re still having issues with your water pressure, that’s how you know you need to make the adjustments. So rather than calling out a plumber to come and look at your systems, it’s important for you to know how to adjust your own pressure regulator in San Jose, CA. Here’s a quick overview.
Find the water supply line
The first step you’ll need to take is to find the line that brings the water to your home, which will then lead you to the water meter installed inside your home right near the supply line. If you are in an apartment or have a house on a crawl space, that meter will probably not be in the crawl space because it could freeze. Instead, you’re more likely to find it in a utility room or underneath the kitchen sink.
Find the valve
After you’ve located the water meter, find the valve you’ll need to adjust. It is most likely made of brass, and will have a center section shaped like a bell that has a screw on top of it. The supply line should have proper levels of pressure before you begin adjusting the pressure valve.
Adjust the screw
Remember that screw on the top of the valve? That’s what you’re going to need to adjust. Loosen up the locknut all the way with a pliers or wrench. The screw acts as your adjuster here, and only by loosening that locknut will you be able to adjust it.
The tighter the screw, the greater the water pressure. Turning the screw clockwise, then, increases your water pressure, while turning the screw counterclockwise decreases it. You should also avoid turning the screw too quickly—slowly doing it in increments will allow you to better track the water pressure. If you let the water pressure get too high, it could result in your having problems with toilets constantly running or with leaks springing in your plumbing.
Check the results
After you’ve finished making your adjustments, you should go back and check the water pressure in your home. Open up your faucets and run your shower or bathtub to see if there is a noticeable difference in the water pressure from before. If you need to make any further adjustments based on what you see in the water pressure, you can then do so before putting away your tools and putting the locknut back on.
If you’re interested in learning more about the steps you can take to better regulate the water pressure in your home, we encourage you to contact Royal Brass Incorporated today about how to use your pressure regulator in San Jose, CA.
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